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06 June 2016

Happy 1st Birthday Olivia

So it was my daughters 1st birthday yesterday. She had the perfect day! Smiles and laughs all day, great sunny warm weather, family and friends. Oh, and lots and lots of toys and clothes for the birthday girl! 

Olivia, I wanted to write you a letter for your birthday, but as it is 2016 and pen and paper is definitely classed as old school now, I've took to the Internet! Where it shall remain forever (I hope!) like my love for you. 

To my sweetheart Olivia,

Happy 1st Birthday! I knew this day was coming, I knew the past year would fly by, but I had no idea how fast. I promised myself I wouldn't be sad that you were growing up, but instead I feel blessed and forever grateful that you are healthy, thriving, changing, and learning.

This year has been the quickest of my life. I remember everything like it was yesterday. Giving birth, staying in hospital struggling to get you to feed, how exhausted but excited I was for our first car journey as a little family taking you home and showing you off to all my family and friends. I actually couldn't believe I'd made and brought something so beautiful and perfect into this world!!
I didn't think it was possible, but I am more thankful for you today than I was on the day you were born. You have changed my life more than I ever thought possible. You have taught me more than anyone else ever has. You have introduced me to an entirely fresh concept of love. You make me laugh and smile uncontrollably every day. You inspire me to be the best version of myself, to love deeper, to take more chances and be confident.

You are my daughter, my priority, my love and my best friend. Always and forever. Xxxx

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